





What is Made By Serge culinary? Well, it's my place to share with you one of my true passions: food and cooking. I've been cooking since I was able to lift a frying pan and after 20 plus years working in entertainment marketing and promotion, I decided to check one of the things off of my bucket list by attending culinary school. Although I recently graduated from the Institute of Culinary Education Los Angeles, I still consider myself a home cook. I feel that calling myself a "chef" would be disingenuous – that's a title that comes with years of experience, many hours in a professional kitchen and the battle scars to prove it.

My passion for art, photography, and design which has been my livelihood for 20 plus years plays a big part in the food I create and share with you. My hope for Made by Serge culinary is not only to inspire you to get in the kitchen and cook, but I also hope that through my stories about community, culture, and people I can shed some light on how we are all more alike than not. Food is the one things we all need and have in common, and maybe it's also what can help us understand one another a little better.

I hope to have you along for the ride!